Reasons why ductwork maintenance is essential!

rite temp
4 min readAug 3, 2020


How many times have you noticed that the cooling system installed in your home doesn’t cool the room sufficiently and evenly even after working for a long time? Not necessary that the problem is always with your AC! The problem often lies in poor ductwork maintenance. Do you know what’s worse? If the ductwork in your home is poorly maintained, your heating or cooling system automatically becomes much less efficient and the energy bills can skyrocket.

Signs that your ductwork needs inspection and maintenance

· Excessive dusts on your furniture and vents: This indicates that it’s time for a professional duct cleanup. They will make sure that your ducts are not clogged and your heating or cooling system is as efficient as they should be.

  • The air in your home smells musty or stale: This is nothing new that dirty ducts will always worsen the air quality in your room. Moisture can get trapped in leaky ducts which promote microbial growth that can lower the efficiency or even damage your heater or AC.
  • Children developing allergic symptoms or respiratory illness: Clogged air ducts in the long term can lead to poor health of you and your family and so it is important to go for professional ductwork maintenance once in a while.
  • Rodent and pest infestation: It is not convenient that dead insect and droppings deteriorate the indoor air quality, isn’t it? So, it is better to get your ducts professionally cleaned.

Still, in doubt? Let’s dive in further why ductwork maintenance is so important:

Optimized efficiency: Now, this is almost basic common sense! What happens when you don’t get any of the devices in your home repaired or maintained for a long time? Gradually it begins to fail to work with time. Is it not? Same with the ductwork in your home. With years, if you don’t take enough care to maintain the duct, it might develop a leak. This will lead to the greater energy consumption of the heating or cooling system installed in your room to produce the same heating or cooling effect as before. Thus, forget about saving the bills! It will also overburden your AC and heater and guess what? They will likely be damaged much earlier than expected. So better spend few bucks on maintenance than a whole lot more in energy bills and system replacement.

Keeping the ducts clean: You will surely be able to clean your kitchen slab properly but not the ducts without professional help! If you don’t go for duct maintenance for a long time, dust and debris and other contaminants can clog the ductwork and every time you switch on your AC or heater. These particles straight get sucked into your room and the air smells all musty and feels stale. Is it worth saving that money required in maintenance by compromising the health and comfort of you and your family? We guess not! A professional cleanup will not only improve the air quality in your room but also improve your system’s efficiency that may have been reduced due to these clogs in the duct.

Avoiding the huge repair bills: Let’s say you don’t get any of the equipment in your home fixed or maintained till years. What happens next? The system breaks! And now you are forced to spend a lot of your money and time into repairing it. Didn’t sound really convenient? Now imagine the bills you will spend in ductwork repair. Huge! We guess it is more economical to rather spend some bucks on regularly maintaining the ductwork than letting it completely break or damage it’s functioning and thus saving a lot of money in the long run.

Making your room more comfortable: Needless to say, even if you are blessed with a good climate, if your AC does not work properly, it can get really uncomfortable. But even after installing a cooling system, why should comfort suffer! When your ductwork hasn’t been inspected or maintained for a long time, leaks will begin to develop or it might completely fail. And if your ducts don’t work properly, do you expect your AC to cool your room efficiently? Of course, not! So, the best option is to go for regular inspection and ductwork maintenance.

Maintaining your home’s value: Let’s assume down the line you will be planning to shift so you will need to sell your current home. Of course, you won’t sell it until you obtain a desirable cost. But who will be willing to pay much for a home that isn’t even properly maintained? If the ductwork in your home is in a poor condition, the overall quality of the home reduces and you won’t easily find a buyer. So, why not prioritize regular professional cleaning and maintaining the ductwork and create high earning prospects for the future!

Now, don’t think much! Ductwork maintenance is something so basic that it must have been in your routine much before. Call us now for professional help!

