What are the Benefits of Central Air Heat and Cooling?

rite temp
3 min readOct 22, 2019

There are a number of choices in the market today if you want to install a central air heat and cooling system. The technology has made the installation of such systems highly energy-efficient and involves low maintenance. Moreover, there can be significant cost and energy savings in the long term associated with Central air heat & cooling New Rochelle.

A central air system maintains the air temperature throughout your home and not only in specific rooms as is the case with standalone units. It can be used to provide cooling during hot and humid seasons and heating during the winter months. If your home already has ductwork for a furnace then you can use it for installing the central air system.

Central air heat & cooling New Rochelle
Central air heat & cooling New Rochelle

In this case, the costs of installation will be even less. You can even replace the furnace altogether with a heat pump that will provide centralized heating during winter. There are packaged systems available that combine a heating and central air system in a single outdoor unit. This will allow you to save space and the cost of an indoor furnace.

Central air conditioning systems provide cooling for multiple rooms while maximizing energy efficiency. You can also modify the system to provide zoned cooling or heating. In this kind of setup motorized discs within the ductwork direct cooled or heated air to specific zones within your home. If you are thinking of installing a Central air heat & cooling New Rochelle then read on to know the benefits and advantages of such a system.

One big advantage of the central air system is that they reduce the humidity levels and provide clean air in your home. Reduced humidity results directly in better air quality, reduction in germs and molds and a healthier environment in your home. If you are living in a tropical climate then you may need to add a whole-home dehumidifier to effectively reduce the air humidity levels.

Central air cooling systems are generally fitted with an air filter that helps to clear out the dust, lint, pollen and other allergens from the air. This is especially beneficial for people who suffer from dust or other allergies. You can also increase the air purity by adding an optional filter system to your Central air heat & cooling New Rochelle.

Central air heat & cooling New Rochelle
Central air heat & cooling New Rochelle

One such system is a global plasma solution (GPS) which kills more than 90% of microbial contaminants by passing the air through cold plasma before releasing it into the room. This also has the added advantage of eliminating any odors making the air in your home smell fresh and cool.

Central air conditioning systems nowadays are very cost-effective and can work for years with minimal maintenance. All you need to do is ensure to get an annual inspection of your unit carried out by a professional especially before the starting of the summer season.

Have minor repairs and replacements done early so that they do not become major issues later on? All central air systems come with multiple thermostats which can be used to adjust the temperature of individual areas in your home to your comfort levels.

Central air systems such as those provided by rite-temp can add significantly to your home’s resale value. Having such a system installed in your home increases its desirability and should be considered as a long term investment that not only takes care of the health of your family but also adds to the overall value of your home. So you should definitely get a Central air heat & cooling New Rochelle installed in your home if you haven’t already.

